"Unto whom should I tie up and give the bundle of my pains? The whole world is overflowing with pain and suffering ;who can know the state of my inner self?" (p767)
"Wherever I look, I see loads of pain and suffering." (p710)
Suffering is universal - it is an ingredient of life which is seen throughout this entire creation.
One may think he alone is the victim of suffering, but when we look around, we find sorrow in every home.
We are all lost in love and attachment to this material world. No one seems happy. In fact every one is beset with one's woes.
Even the President of a mighty nation is not happy.
Across the entire globe, pain and suffering are a major part of life.
All of us who have to traverse through this human existence will have to endure suffering - some to a lesser and others to a greater extent.
Source: From the holy scriptures of the Sri Granth Sahib
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