Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother of all Evils

" Wine is the mother of all evils ;
all the evils appear when wine is drunk "
Here is an interesting anecdote to illustrate this :

Once there was a King who wanted to know what was the most evil thing in the entire world - the cause of all evil acts.

He was curious and determined to know. So he set up a plan with his advisers.

Around the city boundary he built a very big wall, with four doors in it. At each door he put an object to test the people of his kingdom.

At one door he placed a cow, at another a few prostitutes, at the third door he set up a food shop selling meat, and finally at the fourth door large containers full of wine were placed.

Guards patrolled outside the doors and everybody in the city were told that if they had to leave the city then they had to go through any one of the doors and had to enjoy whatever was kept inside the door that they were going through.

There was one simple good man who wanted to leave the city.

First he went to the door where the cow was kept, and the guard told him that if he wanted to go out, he had to kick the cow.

He was a god fearing and learned man, and knew that in the Hindu scriptures it is written that it is a grave sin to kick a cow, so he thought,

"I will not go through this door - I will go through another door."

When he went to the second door, he saw there were prostitutes and thought,

"It is not good to enjoy with those woman. In the Hindu scriptures it is written that it is a very heavy sin."

He proceeded to the third door and was told by the guard to eat the meat.

He let out a cry,

"This is the worst sin in the world - to eat the meat of an animal after killing it."

Finally he decided to go through the fourth door.

When he saw the containers full of wine, he thought,

"What is wrong in drinking wine ? It is made of mead and sugar and there is nothing wrong in that."

So he drank the wine, and after drinking the wine, he became intoxicated.

In the state of intoxication one loses one's intelligence - so the simple good man lost his sense of discrimating between the good and the bad.

The intoxication of the wine brought desires into his mind to eat the meat, and when he finished eating, the desire of lust came to him and he enjoyed with the prostitutes.

After all the enjoyment at the three doors, he moved to the fourth door, and started kicking the cow many times, saying,

"Why are you standing here ? You are in my way."

In that way he committed every sin after drinking the wine.

The next morning, when he realized what he had done the night before, he repented, and thought that if he had gone through anyone of those doors except that wine door, he would have had only one sin to his account

However now since he first went through the wine door, and drank that wine, he did all the sins.

So indeed alcohol-wine is the mother of all evils.

Its use unsettles the mind, and an unsettled mind brings in its trail all the evils which one in a normal state avoids.

The soul addicted to intoxicants never crosses the ocean of life.


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