Thursday, October 4, 2007

We Are What We Eat

What we eat and drink has tremendous effect on our body, mind and intellect.

For example, consumption of food such as meat, eggs, fish (ie flesh of animals) and intoxicants such as alcohol and drugs are generally very pleasing to an outgoing mind indulged in material life.

All of these lead to the material contamination of our mind.

The seed of bad habits : illicit sex, gambling, stealing, dishonesty, etc then begin to germinate.

As the saying goes: "We are what we eat"!

Conversely, the same diet has no appeal to a sincere Spiritual aspirant.

Thus, diet is a function of an individual's choice based upon his goal in life.

Do we want to become God conscious and go back to our Source, the Creator ?

Or do we want to merely continue to live a nonsensical life?

God has given us the free will to choose between these two.

No two ways about it!

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