The modern world is wading through a dark period of disintegration. There is unrest alike in the East and in the West. The global financial turmoil has cast worries and uncertaintity to one and all.
Our scientific discoveries and technological achievements have not made us happy or contented.
Mankind has reached the Moon but we have yet to learn how to make our world, this Earth, a place where men and nations may live together in harmony and peace.
All over the civilized world, the cry goes forth from frustrated hearts :
" Is life worth living ? "
"Life is worth living ! ", the saint Sadhu Vaswani proclaims.
"All suffering and pain spring from the lower self of desires and appetites, the ego, the sense of I-ness. The ego is the cause of our suffering and sin. The cure
of this pain is to renounce the ego and be filled with the 'Word" or Name of God."
The question arises as to why is it that though we have all we need, we still are unhappy and there is no peace in our hearts ?
Sadhu Vaswani says, " You are unhappy because you wander. You wander because you are victims to desires and appetites. These will not let you rest in peace."
" Give your mind and heart to God. Let your hands be engaged in work ; but let your thoughts dwell on the Lord. For thoughts are internal forces. As you think so you make or mar yourself. "