Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quote from Wisdom of the Way

Man is born with his hands clenched ;

He dies with his hands wide open.

Entering life, he desires to grasp everything ;

Leaving the world upon death, all he possessed has slipped away.

from the Jewish Talmud

The Cause

All our difficulties are like a mirror.

They reveal our true form.

We harbour all types of desires and consequently undergo many sufferings.

Therefore, give no room to any desires.

Our unlimited desires are the cause of all our difficulties.


Why have we drifted away ?

It is said that God is closer to us than our hands are.....

He always remains close to us but it is we who have drifted away from Him due to our pursuit of worldly possessions and attachments. a

To feed an animal OR to feed ON an animal ?

Which is nobler - to feed an animal or to feed on an animal ?

Surely, the former.

These hands are given to us to help and not to harm, to bless and not to butcher, to serve and not to slaughter.

We must not take away that which we cannot give.

As we cannot restore a dead creature to life, we have no right to take away its life.

Most of the animals that man kills for food, live on a vegetarian diet.

Why then, should we not go to the source of all nutrition - vegetarian food ?

Quote by J P Vaswani